Pre-K Program

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Pre-K Vision

The Calabasas Preschool is dedicated to the enrichment of young minds. Our preschool's vision is to prepare our students for kindergarten with a focus on pre-reading literacy skills. We are proud to create an atmosphere where students thrive as we nourish young curiosity

Our Mission

The Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District preschool program staff believe that every child is unique. We strive to provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating learning atmosphere that supports and embraces diversity. We are dedicated to promoting the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child.

National Accreditation

All SCVUSD #35 preschools are nationally accredited by the National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC). Only preschools who meet the highest standards and very specific requirements receive this type of accreditation. It is a great honor to receive accreditation from this organization!


We are now a Quality First school! Calabasas Elementary School is a 5-star Quality First program, a program of First Things First. This program has high standards and partners with child care and preschool providers to improve the quality of early learning across Arizona. Quality First works with child care and preschool providers to make quality improvements that research proves help children thrive. Through Quality First, Calabasas Elementary will have access to supports including trainings for teachers to expand their skills in working with young children and the opportunity to provide a limited number of tuition scholarships for those who qualify.

Message from Our Coordinator

Welcome to Preschool! We are looking forward to an excellent school year. We have exciting learning activities that we are sure your child will enjoy. Again, we are truly excited to part of your child's education. We will accomplish great things together this year. Our goal is to make sure that all students are ready to enter kindergarten when they leave our program. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (520) 375-8525, or you can reach me by email Maribel Norzagaray.

Maribel Norzagaray
Preschool Coordinator/Teacher
PK-8 Calabasas

General Information

Hours and Days

  • Calabasas Preschool is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

  • When there is a holiday on a regular preschool day, we have make up days on Wednesdays.

  • There is no school in session on regular Wednesdays due to teacher development and planning days.

  • The preschool hours are 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on a regular school day.

  • The early release preschool hours are 7:45 a.m. to noon.

  • Our gates will open ten minutes prior to class beginning and ending. We will leave the doors open for ten minutes after class begins and after class ends.

  • Students arriving late must go in through the Calabasas School office. Parents must sign in the visitor log and obtain a visitors pass; then proceed to the classroom to sign in the student. Parents must always have their preschool badge with them at all times when on school premises.

  • Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Preschool Handbooks

Preschool Schedule

Preschool Full Day
7:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Preschool Early Release Day
7:45 a.m.-noon